Informed Design
Stòr Lifestyle is proud to support its independent makers. We believe in knowing the faces behind the products we all buy and that fair trade is part of creating a sustainable & beautiful future for all, a future which has less waste.
Products that have proven themselves through design, material & craftsmanship to be dependable are the products that are worth investing in and we believe are worth supporting the generations of skill and innovation that have kept these products alive.
At Stòr Lifestyle we set out to bring the beauty of traditional & innovative hand crafted products to UK markets. Each of our products has a beautiful story of craft, passion and innovation that has enabled it to stand the test of time. We make it our business to know as much as we can about our products, their makers and origins, and we thought we'd share a little of that story here with you.
Considered Design & Utility:
Designs that have been considered for function and practicality and that look good as well are surely the best purchases. If we told you that the product you were about to buy would be out of style within a month or that after a year will have worn through or broken, then you'd probably think it was a poor investment. However, unfortunately that is what we all do, every day, without even knowing it we are investing in poorly designed, devastatingly produced throwaway products that will be deemed out of style within a few months or break soon after. If we are to reduce the negative impact we are having on our planet then we need to start ticking both boxes (design and function). It is evident that our planet can no longer support non practical, seasonal looks only and trend buys. A product should be for life, or at least a very long time! The cost of the materials and manufacturing should give an indication of the time it needs to last to be considered worth while (for the maker, for the planet and for your pound). If its' design cannot last more than a single season then it can't be very well designed.
All our products have been tested with design, practicality, time and the cost of manufacture to give you the best ethical and eco friendly product solution, without sacrificing style and at a reasonable price.
We strive to offer seasonal collections and stock a more diverse range of suitable products for the season at hand. We do have our staple range available throughout the year but hugely enjoy bringing together expanded collections, with new items and designers to celebrate a particular season (we think we all do really).
Tradition and Innovation:
We believe traditional products have reached the modern era, when thousands didn't, because they were successfully designed, well made and loved by consumers. We also recognise that lifestyle needs and habits have changed over time and we strive to reflect this in our products to meet your needs. The best products are made using the skill and knowledge of tradition and the foresight and innovation of our time to ensure your purchase lives with you into your future.